Meet Steve King
Growing up in a law enforcement family in Storm Lake, IA allowed Congressman Steve King to learn the importance of justice and the rule of law. He attended Denison Community High School, where he met Marilyn Kelly, whom he married in 1972. The King family set down their roots in southern Sac County on an acreage between Odebolt and Kiron. They have lived in Kiron for 38 years and are currently members of St. Martin’s Church in Odebolt. Steve and Marilyn have three grown sons and seven grandchildren.
Fighting for You
The DC establishment doesn't like Congressman King, and for good reason. Rather than cave in to their corrupt dealings and "moderate" policies, King stays true to his core conservative beliefs. This means he advocates for our gun rights, fights to protect the sanctity of human life, upholds the Rule of Law, and stands firm on constitutional principles that are under attack every day. When everyone else in DC seems to go along with the crowd to score political points, you can be sure that King will stay true to his convictions.

On the Issues
Congressman King wants to keep government small and out of your pocket. That means he constantly works to reform "Big Government" programs by eliminating waste, reducing spending, and decreasing regulations. He is an ardent supporter of the FAIRtax, which involves abolishing the IRS and eliminating the income tax completely. He's also widely known for his tough stance on immigration, fighting every day to protect our borders and uphold the Rule of Law.
Join Team King
Would you like to join the fight by signing up as a volunteer? Then please contact us today as we work hard to re-elect Congressman King once again! We would gratefully accept your time and efforts, since we need all sorts of help knocking on doors, calling voters, delivering yard signs, setting up campaign rallies, along with a whole host of other activities. We also offer internships to college students. Become a member of Team King today!

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This is a grassroots campaign that relies heavily on grassroots support. Congressman King is fighting the DC establishment every day, which means he's constantly under attack. Please support our campaign with a donation today!